Genes have a quantum function too, and performed by encoded signals in wave forms as seen from the perspective of quantum physics research

These waves interact according to certain wave properties such as harmonics, resonance, amplitude and frequency relationship. All cells and DNA are perfectly formed by these encoded quantum signals and tampering with them sets off a chain reaction of quantum balance/imbalance with everything they are capable of passing these fluctuation unto in form of 

Quantum Information-field Genetics


QuAntGene - or - quantum interference genetics a new field of deeper genetics

In accordance to the research in medicine, biology and deep genetics conducted by Prof. Dr. Luc Montagnier (2008 - Nobel prize for Medicine) and Acad. Prof. Dr. P. Gariajev in wave genetics and linguistic genetics together with other scientists around the world conducting research at the border of science.

I continue this kind of frontier in science research in quantum genetics. Quantgene also encompasses the Quantum Interference  information  exchange (morphic resonance) in Genetics or as Einstein stated " Spooky action at a distance"  

The famous quote from Tesla says: 


In my opinion, I would add to the above quote of Tesla: If you want to understand and apply the secrets of the universe, think in terms of Information, frequency / vibration and energy.

In Biblical terms: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" - that is before Word was the Information that led to the spoken word, from information through thoughts and vibration converted to energetic spoken word and finally materialization 


Some steps in my research in quantum gene interference (QUANTGENE) or morphic resonance partially following the trends of the above scientists but with many novel elements:


  • Genetic duplicate of the given person to be connected with (targeted connectivity)
  • Biomedical screening, epigenetic analysis
  • Genetic Sequence conversion or other Infosomes to be applied on that person (imprinting)
  • Targeted frequency imprinting at Gene Wave function level followed by laser imprinting
  • Long time storage for therapeutic purpose if required
  • Non-locality targeted-connection, according to the  "Sender and Receiver" Laws of Information, followed by Q. teleportation, based on the holographic cosmic principle